Some Cuomo fund-raisers have already sought pledges for contributions of that size that they can collect if the Governor joins the race.
The Boudica, speaking thus to the warriors of the west, would not have needed to seek pledges of courage and honour from her listeners.
Despite the problems the Lordstown strike created, Bieber entered contract negotiations with the Big Three automakers seeking pledges against new layoffs.
He said this would allow Republican candidates to seek pledges from their opponents to support an amendment in the next session of Congress.
He is seeking pledges of $500,000 in private financing from corporations, foundations and individuals to help leverage the rest of the funding.
The town has worked with developers of apartment buildings, he said, seeking pledges that low and moderate income units be included in projects.
It is also seeking pledges of assistance for Iraqi refugees who might pour into Iran if war breaks out.
The contras, however, are seeking firm commitments rather than pledges to discuss such matters in future talks.
Latin American ambassadors in Madrid mobilized as a group to demand reversal of the order and seek pledges that visa requirements would not follow.
In each call Mr. McCurdy asked for reductions in the energy tax and sought pledges that the Administration would work for more spending cuts.