The 300-member council is made up of local level union leaders who will be instrumental in seeking ratification of whatever agreement emerges.
What you have now is a situation where President Aquino has continued her efforts to seek ratification of the agreement.
Agreement could pave the way for the Administration to seek early ratification of two 10-year-old partial test-ban treaties.
We will seek early ratification of a treaty to ban chemical weapons worldwide.
At least one point could imperil the effort to close out the talks and allow countries to seek ratification.
Mr. Mulroney said today that he would seek ratification as soon as possible.
The union leaders said they hoped to send mailings within the next week or 10 days seeking ratification from their local members.
The Reagan Administration has said it will never seek ratification.
In due course it will be our duty to seek national ratification, in some cases through referenda.
These include the outrageous requirement that President Clinton not seek ratification during his remaining 15 months in office.