If you are seeking records on yourself, you will be required to verify your identity.
Then they should take a careful patient history and seek medical records, to look for early deprivation, childhood abuse, or mental illness.
It is the first time federal investigators have sought personal records from him, one of his aides said.
When an animal rights group sought records from the Arkansas state police the request was denied.
Still, drivers return each August seeking records at ever-greater velocities.
It sought corporate records and, properly, should have been served on him as the corporation' s lawyer.
The government seeks records for the four days preceding each of three articles.
Mr. Spitzer is seeking records for all such searches during these years.
The investigators, who sought records of book purchases by the suspects, were turned away, and a court challenge ensued.
Individuals seeking records are not required to show a need for the information; instead the government has to justify its decision to withhold the information.