His memory, by way of his hand, sought refreshment in his luxuriant black beard.
Given the usual crowds, you'd be wise to rest your feet from time to time, or seek refreshment in the basement restaurant.
A shadow fell across the sunlit floor Percy Hodge a farmer from the Nidden road hard by, was seeking refreshment.
Jamie and I retired to the Sycamore, an inn on River Street, to seek refreshment and make repairs.
She sought refreshment again from the warm green treetops and roused herself for both defense and attack.
We make them our strength and support, and seek repose and refreshment from them.
Here patrons would stroll between acts of a performance and seek refreshment.
Most of the tourists had also sought repose and refreshment, at Cook's Rest House or at their hotels.
In August 1901, after making a new will, he went to Yokohama to seek refreshment.
The victims were believed to have been mostly young people who had sought refreshment at the ice cream parlor on a warm summer night.