But God didn't accept this because he sought repentance at the time of death after seeing the angels.
Their understanding of God's will usually caused colonial justices to seek confessions and repentance from the accused rather than just punishment.
Muslims believe that they, as well as everyone else, are vulnerable to making mistakes and thus they need to seek repentance repeatedly at all times.
You have sinned and now you seek repentance.
She says that she wants to seek repentance for betraying Gorlois long ago and being twice widowed.
"An old man, in the evening of life, should seek repentance," he said of President Reagan.
While seeking repentance, was being punished by an invisible presence hurling rocks at him until he becomes severely disfigured.
"An old man, in the evening of his life, should seek repentance," said the Speaker as he held a rifle.
By video's end, sinners (a prostitute, a drug dealer and a drunk), all seeking repentance, find their way back to the Lord's house.
Verily, I seek repentance from Him a hundred times a day.