And when we are ready to seek reprisals-" "No!
Therefore, both agreed that the British ship would surrender flag and gun and that the Spanish would not seek reprisals under any circumstances.
More than one year later, all diplomatic means having been exhausted, on 10 July 1739 King George II authorized the Admiralty Board to seek maritime reprisals against Spain.
But Mr. Shadjareh, of the Islamic association, said Muslims were worried that right-wing Britons might seek reprisals.
Administration officials express concern that the Aristide Government, or at least its more extreme supporters, might seek reprisals against supporters of the military rulers listed in the documents.
In March 1830, the 57th regiment seeking reprisals for the murder of a guard, attacked a group of Ngugi people near a lagoon on Moreton Island.
Germans feared that the Poles would seek reprisals after over a century of harassment and discrimination by the Prussian and German state against the Polish population.
Witnesses said large areas of Gardnerville have been battered by shellfire and nicked by bullets from rebels seeking reprisals against Mandingos living there.
The reason must be that out-of-towners and foreign visitors are staying clear of London, fearful that the capital would be a logical target for anybody seeking reprisals for Britain's participation in the war on terrorism.
Dr. Zúñiga was warned that the police might seek reprisals against him, but although he informed the authorities of this, novo specific measures of protection were apparently offered to him.