While British leaders now sought further revisions to the treaty in a bid to conciliate Germany, France demanded strict enforcement of the terms.
Some consumer groups are seeking revisions, while the meat industry says it might not have time to comply.
Bouteflika said on 15 April that he would seek revisions to the country's constitution as part of a broad push for democratic reforms.
A1 Debate commission officials rejected Bush campaign efforts seeking revisions to the locations and schedules of three debates in October.
In 1783, he successfully sought revisions in a constitutional clause newly adopted by the Pennsylvania State Legislature, which required a religious examination for seekers of public office.
It seeks major revisions in the laws governing freedom of the press, freedom of association, guarantees of basic human rights and the establishment of a constitutional court.
The American Petroleum Institute and the American Trucking Association have both sought delays or revisions.
Ludlum also claimed that Broccoli sought revisions in the agreement.
As the price for compliance, it seeks revisions to the agreement.
The White House has signaled that it will send the recommendations to Congress without seeking further revisions.