The Secretary of State agreed to consider his reasons for seeking revocation of the deportation order, but she declined to revoke it.
When Shuler continued his attacks on Cryer, Shuler brought further proceedings in 1931, this time an administrative action before the Federal Radio Commission ("FRC") seeking revocation of the broadcast license for Shuler's radio station, KGEF.
All seek monetary penalties or revocation of First Investors' license, or both.
She said she sought revocation of the two runners' visas.
The women, who had made their payments on time, are seeking revocation of their leases as well as unspecified damages, and they want the dealership barred from using the devices.
It could go to the Congress of People's Deputies to seek revocation of laws that, in its view, are unconstitutional.
The city had asked the State Department to seek revocation of diplomatic immunity for the employee, Ilya Sergeyevich Morozov, 28, so the police could file criminal charges against him.
He did not explicitly seek revocation of the doctor's medical license.
In May, 2009 the Empowering Spirits Foundation filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service to seek revocation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland's tax exempt status.
The family of the Alcor member sought revocation of the anatomical gift based on an alleged change of a financial beneficiary in connection with a life insurance annuity.