But people seeking testing often give spurious names - the likes of Donald Duck and the state health commissioner being popular guises.
But critics say imposing such measures will scare off the very people who should seek testing and treatment.
They will mainly refer persons seeking testing or treatment.
The authorities have sent out letters to about 600 people seen over 22 months at the clinic in Fremont, Neb., urging them to seek testing.
FIVE years ago, a much-wanted pregnancy at age 37 prompted me to seek prenatal testing.
Ms. Solomon said that increasingly couples have sought testing.
I was also advised that women who wish to become pregnant should, for their own best interest, seek such testing.
In such an environment people are discouraged from seeking testing and counselling.
They sought prenatal testing with the intention of aborting the fetus if it was not a match, but their obstetrician refused.
Efforts should be made to understand why these clients repeatedly seek follow-up testing.