Quebec is more likely to seek looser ties with the rest of the country than complete independence.
The airline has sought ties with American carriers as a way to strengthen its position in an increasingly global industry.
First, it assumes that Taiwan's best strategy is to try to appease China by not seeking ties to the outside world.
Many have been in operation for more than a year and are seeking ties with organized crime overseas, officials warned.
They, too, want closer connections to Germany, perhaps even more than the Germans seek ties to them.
The president accused his former ally France of supporting his enemies and seeks new international ties.
Audubon is hardly alone in seeking stronger ties to business as a way of supporting its programs in a recession.
"For the last few years, we have been toning down the rhetoric in seeking ties."
Some American companies, anxious about shaky domestic banks, are seeking safer foreign ties.
The idea, she said, also grew out of the city's use of community policing, with officers seeking closer ties to neighborhoods and schools.