Through such Sousa favorites, tonight's documentary calls up a robust, optimistic era that seems more distant all the time.
Certainly the possibility of writing again had never seemed more distant than it did that night.
Qari began spending hours alone reciting the Koran and seemed increasingly distant and unstable.
But there in that still bedchamber of amber and gray, all of it seemed impossibly distant and very unreal.
The carnival capers of the flower children could not have seemed more distant from the neo-Classical world of late-18th-century European art.
He could not have said why, but what had happened in George Denbrough's bedroom had never seemed more distant to him than it did right then.
Marak's green sun, low in the afternoon quadrant, had seemed distant and cold.
When I was a young man, no two dates could have seemed more distant and unconnected than July 16, 1945, and July 20, 1969.
In some ways, the world of Bach performance 60 and 70 years ago seems more distant than the world of Bach itself.
Everything seemed distant, strange and limited.