The huge cat growled, a low, dangerous warning cough that seemed to break through the mist and fill the darkness with shards of sound.
It passed this information on in a terrible hushed whine that seemed to creep in and fill the head.
Ishigami seemed to swell and fill the room.
Amid all this the first strains of Donizetti sounded a bit unreal, but the music seemed to stretch itself and fill the space.
A long laugh that seemed to echo and fill the room, the silent room shut away in the afternoon heat.
The branches of the almond tree seem to float against the blue sky and fill the picture plane.
Cold seemed to spread out from my belly and fill the rest of my body, 'You didn't do it?'
Now he showed the teeth, and they seemed to spring out from his dark face and fill the wallscreen like a row of grave markers.
Never had there been a blue like that; it seemed to tint the piled snow and fill the world.
Mouthfuls of it seemed to choke her and fill her nose.