I was just recommending a line of action that seemed like a good idea in this case.
The ethicists, while rightly vigilant, seem in this case to have gone overboard.
The Federation is an easy target, which seems, in this case, to have fallen into their hands almost accidentally.
"He seems to have had, in this case."
There always seem to be reasons something cannot happen - in this case, for an eminently qualified African-American.
Since most of us work in the company of others, it seems right that the majority rules in this case.
But it seems in this case we did all the right things.
"It seems in this case they're clearly trying to make an example by prosecuting him in both state and federal courts," Professor Ewing said.
For my part, I would refer to the procedure which seems to me in this case to be important.
It seems in this case, though, Sierra was tackled for a loss by its fans.