She had never greatly cared for Charlotte who had always seemed so insignificant.
At the time, the decision may have seemed insignificant.
Thobicus swung about in his chair, and the nervous Belago, seeming small and insignificant indeed, shrank back near the door.
Even her worries an hour ago now seemed insignificant: paying bills, what groceries to get.
He seemed so insignificant there--just another lost soul.
They wind up seeming spectral and insignificant, like mere props in the director's show.
The observation that there was spontaneous electrical activity at the surface of the cortex seemed relatively insignificant at the time, but it was the discovery of the electro-encephalogram.
Upon his Roman nose, a tiny pair of gold-rimmed spectacles might have seemed insignificant - but he made great play with them.
The light of the candles fell full upon him, revealing his great girth and stature, beside which those of the finest men of her own race would have seemed insignificant.
While the jockeying for position might seem insignificant this early in the season, the order could eventually determine which of the two will play a higher-ranked team to end the season.