They instinctively seemed to feel at home in the strange, awful setting.
They seemed instinctively to understand what was required of them and followed every gesture as though anticipating it.
He did not like to be touched, and everyone seemed instinctively to know it.
He seemed instinctively to find a path through the crush, always turning at the right moment to give me the advantage.
This he seemed instinctively to feel, and he clung closely to me.
Everyone seems instinctively to know how to reach out to the community.
There were some who seemed instinctively to understand what the holy Kuvaz was doing, and, unlikely as it might seem, became allies of science.
They seemed instinctively to contain echoes and reflections of each other.
Only Roger seems instinctively to see beneath the surface of time and space.
Most of the time it seemed instinctively to conceal its cleverness.