Wearing them there seems rather pointless since there are no ladies present to be impressed by his enhanced stature.
The information may have seemed pointless to Wetherby, but it made chilling sense to Connors.
While the mix of chase and release might have seemed pointless, Alexia actually managed to accomplish several things at the same time.
Yesterday, at the beach, the notion of canvassing the neighborhood for witnesses had seemed pointless.
Since there has been no k in the word for over 700 years, representing its omission with an apostrophe seems pointless.
After their rapid defeat in 1940 any resistance had seemed pointless to the French and they had tried to adjust themselves.
She hadn't told him about the note on the rock, because at the time it had seemed pointless.
The whole idea that he'd been thinking about since Christmas seemed pointless all of a sudden.
The exercise program he had planned to run now seemed pointless.
I felt strong; there was a point to a life that had seemed pointless.