The judge seemed sympathetic and ordered him released on the relatively low bond of $5,000.
Data seemed sympathetic, or at least touched by Geordi and Riker's reactions.
Malda inclines his head, seeming almost sympathetic for a heartbeat; his loose neck skin sways.
On the phone, the staff at most affiliates seemed sympathetic and asked me to send a letter explaining my situation.
Bildeborough asked, seeming genuinely sympathetic.
Postmaster General William Hayes seemed sympathetic, but resigned before taking any action.
Matt Guiliani, the one who had seemed so completely sympathetic to her at the police station, wasn't even looking at her.
He'd seemed so kind and sympathetic, but he only wanted to continue that madness they had indulged in when they were hurting so this morning.
So she went to another lender, who seemed sympathetic and referred her to a new contractor.
After reading it, the judge, who had previously seemed sympathetic to their case, reversed her position, ordering that the boy must be deported, very unhappily, back to England.