The sight of these two boys together seemed to make some in the store uncomfortable, and his friend's parents pulled him away.
"We realized that these songs seemed to draw a natural line under the last 31 years of our working together."
They seemed to be a very long time together.
The white of her dress seemed brighter than all the walls together.
Even the range of nut and bolt sizes used to hold the thing together seems to have been considered.
Why did the idea of two women together always seem such a turn-on to them?
She seems together, but she's a bit away, like she's on Values or something.
But all the people he was seem to be having a terrific time together.
But whatever threads hold them together seem to fray a bit around this time of year.
- 12 days ago She seems to be a down to earth person I wish them all the luck and hopefully a long life together.