The seeming failure of the RAAF and RAN to cooperate to finish off a damaged submarine led Royle to order an inquiry into the attack.
The woodpecker inspired one of the first conservation efforts in the nation's history, but its seeming failure turned the ivory bill into a symbol of loss.
It is natural that the younger generation should lose patience with their elders, for their seeming failure to bring some order and security to the world.
To dream of eating this appetizing nut, you will see one of your dearest plans come to full fruition, and seeming failure prove a prosperous source of gain.
A seeming failure to pay Chong also attracted criticism.
The last to hit them was a brewing feud between Anderson and the second-year reserve guard Rex Walters, who took umbrage with Anderson's seeming failure to adjust to a team concept.
Although he could do little about the contracts already signed, he attacked in public and in print the seeming failures of the shows to meet the obligations of the contracts.
In a letter dated June 21, 2002, a reference is made to NATO's seeming failure to realize that Dr. Karadzic's wife was visiting him.
But the seeming failure of the iPhone 4 to access an Apple Wi-Fi network caused a stir.
In Cleveland, his genuine municipal accomplishments were overshadowed by his seeming failure to catch a horrific serial killer known as the torso murderer.