In hopes to increase attention around this issue, WASH United aims to inflict an image that promotes desirability for toilets - an item is seemingly commonplace and standard in developed countries.
Among the seemingly commonplace contracts that drew just one bid were ones for elevator repairs at Rikers Island and security guards at social service centers.
Mr. Upton has a Chekhovian capacity to deflect attention from the crisis to a seemingly commonplace event.
She had never known anyone who could convey so much as Jennifer could in a few seemingly commonplace words.
Appetizers are seemingly commonplace, but each is augmented slightly, like a grilled portobello mushroom in rich white truffle oil ($7.50) or fried calamari, not so unusual until you taste the sharp deep-fried capers and greens ($6.50).
As she sometimes had with his brother, she believed that she detected amusement hidden beneath those seemingly commonplace words.
His poetry is characterised by subtle imagism, a minute documentation of the seemingly commonplace, a colloquial idiom and a conscientious refusal to engage in any poeticising.
No. 2 in the trio, Wright Morris's "International Mind Alcove" (1949) is a Walker Evansesque frontal image of two shelves of seemingly commonplace dog-eared books.
In this way Stanley (Robert De Niro) and Iris (Jane Fonda) meet, beginning an uncommon love story about a pair of keenly observed, seemingly commonplace people.
One seemingly commonplace book on display, with no author or plot, may be the most moving item.