The larger species are also quite bold and seemingly fearless; they are known to approach divers.
It is hard to imagine the seemingly fearless David Halberstam struggling with his nerves.
She was still and seemingly fearless.
She is one of those seemingly fearless people whom you initially admire for their spunk until it becomes clear they don't know when to stop.
Her chin was upraised, her violet eyes wide and seemingly fearless.
He looked at the athletic, seemingly fearless girl, and he detected in her a kinship with his own dark corruption.
Horne is aggressive and seemingly fearless, often using his fists to escape hazardous situations or to subdue criminals.
It paused and stared directly at him, seemingly fearless.
They stared right back, seemingly fearless.
During this time,he acquired a reputation for being seemingly fearless, particularly as he was willing to fly in marginal weather.