However, when attacking the seemingly primitive and defenseless Earth, Unicron ran into trouble.
Unfortunately, Heath is sidetracked into joining with a race of seemingly primitive aliens, only he finds there is more than meets the eye in the situation.
In a nearby village, Kala, a seemingly primitive cave-woman, and her older protector Pag are hunting.
They tried talking it out, bu-t most of the settlers were afraid of these seemingly primitive people.
That heritage had been preserved by the Latest, the seemingly primitive species whom the Gaol did not fear.
Llalal had said that the seemingly primitive Mauregs had successfully duplicated this?
Though seemingly primitive compared to modern texts, the Treatise on the Kingly Way advanced over most theoretical works of Takusaburō's time.
They utilize long, immobile takes, often framed in an unconventional but seemingly primitive way.
The part of the left lateral wall is a thicker, broader and irregular slab, seemingly primitive in origin.
Verdugo had resorted to a seemingly primitive method to combat The Shadow's swift-tongued, modern weapon.