At the time, the Hungarian educational system was superior to the American, and the Hungarian scientists were seemingly superhuman in intellect.
Being an oni and a powerful mystic, Katō also has seemingly superhuman physiology and never seems to age.
He was particularly skilled in the fields of robotics and engineering, and could absorb new ideas and knowledge at a seemingly superhuman rate.
He grabbed Adam's head with seemingly superhuman strength and practically lifted Adam off the floor.
He is a large black male with seemingly superhuman strength.
Seemingly superhuman at times.
The Hungarian educational system is still superior to the American, and the Hungarian scientists were seemingly superhuman in intellect.
Learn how wrestling started and how wrestlers accomplish seemingly superhuman feats without killing themselves and each other.
Kirigi has a seemingly superhuman resistance to pain and injury.
Seemingly superhuman strength or endurance (typically while trying to resist restrain efforts)