It is this point of transition that attracts attention and produces shapes seemingly suspended between rivulets.
Suddenly Pendergast pointed toward a wavering reddish light, seemingly suspended in the darkness perhaps a hundred yards ahead of them.
Encounter the city of Fes, seemingly suspended in time.
He had a quick glimpse of an immense shell climbing in a high arc, seemingly suspended in space before it dropped.
They loom, seemingly suspended, like a crowd of spirits rising to greet the viewer.
It was then that she saw the creature, seemingly suspended in the air.
In certain areas of the park, the nearly pure white creatures dot the dark cliff face, seemingly suspended in midair.
A quart-size Mason jar, seemingly suspended upon space, flickered many twilight-colored flakes of light on and off.
New York's highest court had seemingly suspended capital punishment in June, finding a central provision of the state's death penalty law unconstitutional.
Seemingly suspended in the air, she spun on the prop.