For a moment they made no answer at all, seemingly too taken back at seeing a stranger to speak.
Where the murderer had seemingly taken a long chance was when he had added that final threat.
James stopped suddenly, his attention seemingly taken by a gaudy fresco on the wall of a church.
Then seemingly taking a deep breath, he climbed on the sill and vanished through the opening.
The Administration seemingly took no account of how the situation might have changed for the prisoners in the 30 months since the agreement had been suspended.
He seemingly took the demotion in his stride without much ado.
It is a long panorama on the waterfront seemingly taken from under an elevated railroad.
The privations of the last many days had seemingly taken little toll on the mystif.
"Of course I remember them," Sue said, seemingly taking offense at the comparison.
He sat during much of the trial in neat slacks and shirt-sleeves seemingly taking notes.