Ensign Starr was working in her area, seemingly undisturbed.
Charlie sat motionless and seemingly undisturbed, but his heart was bitter.
"Daggit, he's Pack," Animal drawled, seemingly undisturbed by the violence or the gun that Ru held.
The stern, however, was in remarkably good shape and seemingly undisturbed by the blast.
He removed the padding, leaving the rug seemingly undisturbed.
There were piles that had lain seemingly undisturbed for decades.
Seemingly undisturbed by the information she had imparted, Esther ran her spoon around her plate, licked maple syrup from it, and spoke again.
Compounding the mystery, he said in an interview, is the discovery that the bottom layers of ice, totaling 225 feet, are flat and seemingly undisturbed.
Tuvok sat calm and seemingly undisturbed by the morning's events.
He was watching her, seemingly undisturbed by the fact that he knew she was about to run.