Kirk was left in a sea of misery, staring at the seemingly unharmed engine room.
Ramsey survived the ordeal seemingly unharmed.
A thing in human shape that stood atop a blazing pyre, seemingly unharmed by the crackling flames.
He asked where they had been, but was not troubled by the lack of a credible explanation; after all, the students were in class, seemingly unharmed.
However, when he arrives at the mobile home, he is astonished to discover Rosie on the bed seemingly unharmed.
It stood there, seemingly unharmed.
He was found as a child by Mavra Chan, floating seemingly unharmed in the vacuum of a destroyed starship.
In the ambulance, Chandram gets up seemingly unharmed.
Sgt. Clinton returns seemingly unharmed, the Japanese have ruptured his vocal cords, he is unable to speak.
She found Brunhild alive, breathing, seemingly unharmed, but in an enchanted sleep.