Some males of this species have been seen chasing females prior to breeding, with both fish twisting around each other briefly before spawning takes place.
In this image, three hares are seen chasing each other in a circle with their heads near its centre.
The first chef quit before the opening, and the second, armed with a butcher's knife, was last seen chasing a waiter down a nearby alley.
Spike can be seen chasing a rat to eat.
She is often seen chasing a runaway cart.
Five Hurricanes had indeed gone down, one of them last being seen chasing a German aircraft out to sea.
According to police accounts, the subsequent violence began when they shot down a township resident seen chasing another with a machete.
A great white shark seen chasing a diver a few moments after the stage begins.
Later Lester is seen chasing someone through woodlands with a gun.
Dracula throws Franklin's head to earth, and Franklin is seen chasing after it.