David bent over her, still wearing the blue seersucker suit, his hair rumpled in the wind.
He was wearing a striped seersucker suit and a dark blue tie.
He wore a seersucker suit and a simply printed cotton tie.
A man in a seersucker suit was sitting at the bar, drinking something and talking to Thomas.
Rowan had never seen a seersucker suit before in her life.
As he walked to the baggage claim, a man in a seersucker suit hailed him.
Rusty Greer was first out, followed by the sheriff and the guy in the seersucker suit.
The body wore the same seersucker suit with which I had last clothed it.
A fragile little old man in a gray seersucker suit was standing alone looking down at the dead woman.
Nearby, a man in a seersucker suit stepped from a parked car and walked over.