Simultaneously, from the other end of the street on their left, a clamor burst out and a seething crowd appeared.
A bottle whipped out of the seething crowd of homeless and struck the young man solidly on the head.
He stumbled down the stairs and out of the door into the seething crowd.
They got up and made their way through the seething crowd of half-drunk people between them and the door.
It comes trailing in across the seething crowd of heads without a single bite.
A seething crowd of passengers was massed around the gangplank.
Given her infirmity, I fear she may not be altogether safe in that seething crowd.
There's the seething crowd waving worthless invitations and begging for admittance.
The seething crowd grew thicker, spreading out in front of him, waiting for direction.
All that seething crowd of men seemed to have been spirited away, leaving a black, empty void through which a cold wind blew.