Could this metal insect have been made to carry men across the desert on its segmented legs?
The eight segmented legs twitched and skittered as if it were climbing a giant flower in its dreams.
Eight short, segmented legs are attached to the first body segment.
The two of them strode side by side on limber segmented legs into the central vessel.
However, all previously discovered lobopodians showed soft, rather ring-like, but not segmented legs.
Signals sprang among the six ships' communications spars, which looked for all the world like huge, segmented insect legs.
Each somite had in turn a pair of uniramous, segmented legs.
Except for its size, the alien resembled a king crab, with an outsized body perched on top of long, stout, segmented legs.
The thing had claws like a garden shears, eight thin segmented legs, and several sets of stalks.
Slowly the segmented leg came up until the mittonlike tip touched Dor's fist.