"There is a segmented market" among the Democrats, the senior American official said.
New market opportunities allow for increased economies of scale, and the rationalisation of artificially segmented markets.
"The question is whether you put all your eggs in one basket or recognize a segmented market?"
The diversity of the figures is due to a segmented market both in Mexico and abroad which rewards novelty and specialization.
This is innovation in a segmented market.
The technology that moves funds around the world in seconds has created an environment that is simply not suited to a segmented market.
Bush was right to come; in a segmented market like this one, you need every vote you can get.
We still have 15 partially liberalised and still largely segmented markets.
On the contrary, a segmented market with human needs at its core actually requires such diversity and the protection it affords.
It is the demand and supply conditions in these segmented markets which help to determine the wage rates of different workers.