Very little to no historical earthquake activity occurred in the Charleston area prior to the 1886 event, which is unusual for any seismic area.
Generally only plants in high seismic areas have this trip enabled.
The sea is in an active seismic area and building a dam would be difficult and expensive.
This is a relatively active seismic area, and earthquakes up to 6 on the Richter scale have been recorded.
The town is located in a seismic area above a fault line.
The sea is one of the most seismic areas in the world.
These maps form the basis for designing buildings in high seismic areas.
Also, there are many active seismic areas under the mountains that show that stresses continue to be released along deep fault lines.
This is the least expensive but also the least satisfactory form of building in seismic areas.
Importantly, a Green amendment calling for the storage of nuclear waste in seismic areas to be banned was passed.