It is the electromagnetic equivalent of the seismic arrays.
The ICEARRAY network is a seismic array of 14 strong-motion stations located within the South Iceland Seismic Zone.
The instruments used in the seismic array are CUSP-3Clp accelerometers manufactured by Canterbury Seismic Instruments Ltd. based in New Zealand.
It was recorded by cameras, radiometers, infrasound detectors and seismic arrays making this one of the best-documented meteorite falls.
Scientists and engineers are working to design the next experiments, which are likely to be seismic arrays.
Seismic sensors were installed on the moon during the Apollo missions (from which data exists); however, they are not seismic arrays.
Most likely, there are many, forming a seismic array.
From where she squatted outside the access hatch, she could see at least three jagged holes torn into the seismic array by disruptor blasts.
Since Rayleigh waves are dispersive, the propagating waves are measured along a linear seismic array and evaluated relative to wave frequency and slowness (or the inverse of the velocity).
The recording of seismic noise directly from the ground started in the 1950s with the enhancement of seismometers to monitor nuclear tests and the development of seismic arrays.