As mentioned above, damping devices had been used in the aeronautics and automobile industries long before they were standard in mitigating seismic damage to buildings.
By contrast, Haiti's much lower standard codes were poorly enforced and many buildings were made of hand-made non-reinforced concrete, which is extremely vulnerable to seismic damage.
Brace yourself for the seismic damage done to her career.
This organization exists to "encourage regional and inter-regional networking and partnerships to reduce seismic damage".
"We were limited by possible seismic damage to the villages."
Significant seismic damage may occur if the building response is 'in tune' with components of the ground motion (resonance), which may be identified from the response spectrum.
They saw no further signs of life and no more evidence of any seismic damage to the structure.
The inadequately engineered Steinhart Aquarium suffered dramatic seismic damage from the 1989 earthquake, as well.
There are many places where the risk of seismic damage to older buildings is quite high.
The mountain resort of Baguio was most severely affected, it had a high population density and many tall concrete buildings, which were more susceptible to seismic damage.