Finally, echo sounders and other seismic devices would be attached to the faces of Big Brother.
The reinforced concrete pier stems support pierheads which contain bearings and seismic devices.
The teams used seismic and surveying devices to examine the ground before digging.
The seismic devices that would be used to measure the signals could be far away from the site.
The Soviet officials would use seismic devices.
These seismic devices register earthquake and volcanic activity only, and beam the data directly to the observatory via satellite.
However, the seismic devices might not have picked up the smallest tests.
The seismic devices, manned by Chinese workers, have been installed under an American-Chinese program to study earthquakes.
That secret project is different from the installation of the seismic devices, which is being done openly and primarily for scientific research.
In addition, the two sides provided data on measurements of these blasts made by seismic devices that register tremors in the earth.