Cross bracing can increase a building's capability to withstand seismic forces from an earthquake.
The Skywalk deck was designed for a 100-pound-per-square-foot live load along with code required seismic and wind forces.
Using that information to extrapolate a series of computer models, they determined that seismic forces eventually tore the planet apart.
The kind of seismic force we felt should have raised new mountains, leveled old ones.
Chakotay tried to leave his chair to help him, but the energy pounding Voyager came with seismic force.
It was one of the first heavily instrumented office buildings that was severely damaged by seismic forces.
So you have to tie the buildings together structurally to allow both buildings to support the seismic forces as one unit.
The researchers say the seismic forces would have carried through the asteroid's interior to the other side.
Shock waves ripped the air and shook the ground beneath Bolan with hellish seismic force.
The seismic force, though, knocked Bolan off his feet.