Small teams of militants were to seize and kill hostages, similar to the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, the sources said.
One Palestinian was reported killed in the raid, which the army said was a mission to seize civilian hostages.
Senator Helms acknowledges with pride that he has seized hostages as the only way to get the Administration's attention.
Relatives of 17 convicted in the attack decide to seize American hostages in an attempt to free the prisoners.
The inmates rioted Saturday night, seizing hostages and burning down 10 of the compound's 14 buildings.
The next day, the Serbs seized hostages.
Seventy-five prisoners in a jail in Abkhazia, far to the south of here, seize weapons and hostages.
Groups of students loyal to the new regime seize control of the American embassy in Tehran and take 66 officials hostage.
Should the Soviets have gloated when the Iranians seized American hostages in 1979?
Minister of Defense Onama, who courageously went to speak to the mutineers, was seized and held hostage.