Apparently Comcast employees and select customers who have been invited via email are the only ones who can sign up as of today.
USMT 3.0.2 is a limited private release on Microsoft Connect for select affected customers.
Among their select customers is the United States Government, which planted a new lawn this year in front of its Federal Courthouse here.
Late trading, in which some mutual funds allowed select customers to enter orders for shares after the market closed, enabled those traders to capitalize on significant price changes.
Forward select customer accolades to your boss.
The commercial banking operations, which employ 500 people in the United States, include services for corporate customers and private banking for "select" customers.
A "trunk show" is a special sale in which vendors present merchandise directly to store personnel or select customers at a retail location or another unique venue.
"So you think they have only a few select customers?"
And she spends prodigiously on a high-end line that sells to a select few customers.
The company grew quickly and soon moved to a larger facility for select customers and companies.