They were generously paid and performed three times a week for select guests at the court.
The most select guests got bags that, on a gift scale, reduced those jeans to the level of lip balm.
Once the popularity of the Vista had been established, select guests also built bungalows on the property.
At 9, select guests teetered four blocks north in their high heels to have dinner with Mr. Kors at E.A.T.
Visitation of the dome is highly restricted, usually offered only to members of Congress and their select guests.
The private elevator, until recently, served the select guests and allies of a union official named Albert A. Diop.
The select guests sit behind a table, on which a bottle of vodka and a single piece of brown bread are forlornly placed.
Only a select few guests attended the Guildhall ceremony.
Twilight Discovery, which began last year, is a dolphins-and-dinner after-hours party for a select 100 guests.
The Sheva Brachot or seven blessings are recited by the hazzan or rabbi, or by select guests who are called up individually.