In a method he uses to this day, using a switch he selects phrases, words or letters from a bank of about 2500-3000 that are scanned.
In selecting letters, I try to present a fair sampling of reader opinion, as well as a balance of views, pro and con.
People can also use multiple taps on each key to select different letters as most people currently do to send text messages on their cell phones.
These are often very simple communication boards or books, from which the user selects letters, words, phrases, pictures, and/or symbols to communicate a message.
So he agreed to take on the task of selecting letters, editing them, putting them into a coherent order and writing introductions for each chapter.
"I selected [ letters ] that showed most clearly the conflict between the old-timers and the newcomers," he said.
To type, he can select letters from an on-screen keyboard using the trackball.
Offices" - selected a moderately large size and bold yellow letters and decided that the heading should be centered at the top of the page.
Next a rooster, usually a white one, was let pick at the grains, thus selecting letters to create a divinatory message or sign.
Soon he is selecting six-inch black letters from a storage room shelf.