The five borough presidents each select one member and the mayor selects two.
Only a select few members of humanity will be chosen to advance to this transhuman state.
I would like to send a few select members of the House of Representatives over there to take a look at what's happening.
Seylok would tell select members of the crew their true mission only when they were nearing the Badlands.
Other select members of the wider academic, social, and ecclesiastical community are also included.
The only people that knew about the pictures sent to him were select members of the Millennium Group.
What we didn't expect is that someone would be making a determined effort to kill certain select members of the nobility.
The ceremony took place the next day in the same building in front of select members of the court.
Before the vote, he decided to share the family jewels with a few select members of Congress.
We could have a blue ribbon panel select members, but who would choose the panel?