The inmates of the camps were carefully selected and trained military personnel.
By selecting one rifle platoon and personnel from the weapons platoon from each line company, an additional line company, delta, was introduced to the battalion.
To prepare for Tu-142 operations, on 22 June 1960 the Soviet Navy began selecting personnel for conversion training.
Gromyko assumed his new job would be a permanent one, but in 1939 he was called upon by a Central Committee Commission which selected new personnel to work in diplomacy.
The Commander opts to mount a humanitarian mission, selecting personnel to assess the medical, scientific and material needs of the aliens.
The problem with selecting personnel for this sort of mission was that you felt obliged to consider things outside the usual parameters.
A concerted country team effort should be made now to select civilian and military personnel for clandestine training in resistance operations in case they are needed later.
This might seem careless, but the fact is that once I have selected competent and honest personnel, and once Spirit has organized a system for them, very little further attention is required.
She was selecting executive personnel for the Punard line she had just taken over and this fellow stepped up.
How are we going to select and reject personnel?