Color patterning of ducklings will not change as they develop to adults, so breeders can select good specimens for breeding while using other ducklings as utility birds.
Though the chef cannot take credit for the plump oysters on the half shell, someone is doing a splendid job of selecting sparkling fresh specimens that need no further adornment.
Hueber and Banks selected new specimens as the type for the species P. princeps, and Hueber later transferred P. princeps var.
Carefully selecting healthy specimens from the sentient forest on Theroc, the priests distributed treelings on scattered colony worlds or carried them aboard mercantile ships.
He was an essential partner to his brother, Sir Thomas Hanbury, in selecting specimens for and establishing the Giardini Botanici Hanbury at the University of Genoa.
Unlike the Venetians, who had pioneered painting from the live model, Caravaggio rarely selected perfect specimens.
The flock had been counted; now to select specimens and get to work.
It had not given up its plan of selecting specimens from the flock, of course, nor of anatomizing the man and dog.
The captive-breeding programs for some equids are unusual in that breeders have been carefully selecting specimens to recreate various recently extinct equids, such as the tarpan and quagga.
However, if properly prepared (by selecting high-quality specimens and leaching out the bitter tannins in water), acorn meal can be used in some recipes calling for grain flours.