Under the Council's law setting up the independent commission, the Mayor and the Council would each name two members, with the chairman to be selected jointly.
The board's members would be selected jointly by the two sides and would have disciplinary powers.
It concentrates on a core of 2,500 titles, which are selected jointly by the publisher and Dillons head office, and reviewed regularly.
Under the merger pact, the new board will have 15 members, six from Lilco, six from Brooklyn Union and three new independent directors selected jointly.
Under the bill, the disciplinary process would have been transferred to an independent arbitrator jointly selected by the worker and his superiors.
The winner is commissioned by the NPG to create a portrait of a famous American (who is selected jointly by the artist and the museum).
The Council would have appointed two members, the Mayor would have named two, and its chairman would have been selected jointly.
Under the bill, two board members would be appointed by the City Council, two by the mayor and one - the chairman - would be selected jointly.
Under the law, a five-member panel would be set up with two members appointed by the Mayor, two by the Council and the chairman being selected jointly.
The IFA is selected jointly by the administrative machinery and finance ministry.