Since consultants fly around the globe this way, they should not have to report to a top manager selected solely on the basis of geography.
He noted that the proposed rules would not require preferred lenders to be selected solely on the basis of the best interests of student borrowers.
He said Mr. Cochran, who was paid $170,000 in 1986 and 1987, was selected solely because of his skills as a lawyer.
For the program, students are selected solely based on test scores.
That amount, the complaint says, was no true business basis and was selected solely for the purpose of generating sufficient profits to hit Enron's goals.
He was not selected solely by the king, nor solely by the bishops or chapter.
For the first time, Malta's Eurovision entry was selected solely by a public vote.
The district superintendent is selected solely by the 9-member school board.
Twelve are selected solely based on their first-year grades.
First of all, candidates for early retirement will be selected solely according to the interests of the services.