The selection and placement of each new piece affected those touching it, so that, often, it had to be altered or removed.
The wrong selection can not only affect the long term reliability of the circuit board but can cause massive difficulties with both processing and costs.
When genetic variation does not result in differences in fitness, selection cannot directly affect the frequency of such variation.
Most species modify their environment and this often changes how selection affects them: they construct, at least in part, their own environment.
Thus, the selection of the metal halide affects the success of the method.
The selection practiced by bison ranchers also affects the gene pool.
The selection of casks can affect the character of the final whisky.
While being subject to evolution, natural selection affects the primary sequence directly in this case, with or without it being expressed.
However, selection for opportunities outside affects what happens at school.
The selection of lane width affects the cost and performance of a highway.