When this occurs, trump selection continues as though the declaring player has passed.
The selection of Mississippi also continues Toyota's share-the-wealth strategy.
Those traditional specifications were preserved by continues selections accomplished by professional farmers.
Our selection of books continues to grow as we receive support from the community and an annual generous financial donation from the Cranberry Festival.
After that, the selection continued and the girls had to sing solo songs.
Sadly, Mr. Ashcroft's selection of new death penalty cases continues this real problem; of the 12 defendants you refer to, not one is white.
If the chosen host is not available, the selection will continue until all the hosts are determined as unavailable.
In those places, grammar schools, secondary modern schools and selection at 11 continue.
You will be asked to confirm your selection; type 'Y ' to continue,'N' to abandon.
In the third phase, diverging selection continues on both sexes, but is attenuated.