For its second show, Phoenix has come up with "Portraits '93," a selection of paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures by seven artists.
Today, the Woodstock Art Association collection has swelled to nearly 1,400 works, and a small selection of these paintings, prints, drawings and sculptures is currently on display here.
"American Beauty," through June 1, offers a selection of paintings and sculptures between 1770 and 1920 from the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Outside the arcade, at the Veterans Park end, the gallery has assembled a selection of larger sculptures.
This selection of quilts, paintings, sculptures and drawings by several generations of self-taught artists jumps with color and talent and reflects a sharp curatorial eye.
Dedicated to the collection, preservation, and exhibition of the best in Canada's art heritage, the gallery possesses an extensive selection of Canadian paintings, sculptures, and prints.
A selection of sculptures by Taras Mychalewych:
Beyond being refreshingly insouciant politically, the canny selection of paintings, sculptures and photographs generates a stimulating mix of esthetic and erotic energies.
And the father of them all David Smith is represented by a selection of sculptures all this month (and next, too) at Knoedler.
Nørgaard has been extremely active since the 1970s, producing a wide selection of sculptures and architectural works.