It is a sensitive and selective analytical method making it ideal for the analysis of complex samples and those with low analyte concentrations.
"We won't start selective methods, putting in doubt someone's Judaism after he has survived 70 years of Communism."
This heterogeneous method is reported to be the most selective and direct method of formation of α-bromo ketones.
An alternative view is that grey nurse are totally protected and selective methods of fishing such as spear-fishing have no impact on this species.
A selective method has very little impact on non-target plants where as a non-selective method affects the entire area that is being treated.
ECL proved to be very useful in analytical applications as a highly sensitive and selective method.
The permanganate-bisulfite-toluidine blue reaction is a highly selective and sensitive method for demonstrating elastic fibers under polarizing optics.
Measures have been taken to encourage fishermen to switch to other more selective methods for the period 19971999 and to offer them compensation for any loss of income.
They are not very selective, affect other fishing activities and place those fishing with selective methods at a distinct disadvantage.
In any case, of our Committee on Fisheries where a lot of hot air has been spoken about responsible fishing and selective methods.